
     Full Moon Eclipse  + ERIS-Daughter of Void + Uranus / 
     Sun + Venus + True Node / ALL in Libra = LIGHT UP YOUR  TRUTH
     or //

October 8th 2014. 

Please mind that people, animal and nature get restless around Full Moon.
Full Moon in Aries - is not an easy Moon for the head.
A Total Eclipse of Full Moon in Aries - is even less easy.

It is a second Full Moon Total Eclipse in a Tetrad of 4. ( the first occurred on April 15th 2014. - See NASA link here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gzgSuJM5O8 )

Remember April 2014.?  It was a month full of surprises, shifts and we had to adapt on a lot of changes. That was the period when our FLEXIBILITY TRAINING started.
At that time, the Sun was in Aries and the Moon in Libra. Opposite of how they are standing now. April was about breaking free and showing our individuality and beliefs. 
Now is time to appy that knowledge about ourselves in a group, with others. 

In astrological terms - the Moon Eclipse in Aries is causing UNCONTORLABLE BURSTS of frustration in order to LIGHT UP OUR TRUTH. We realize that what we have learned so far, needs to be apliable in experience with others. 
We might feel and uncontrollable need to make an action in order to chill our head.
This is a good step forward, only if we pay attention not to hurt the other/ the one we see as the - opposition. 
The hardest of all tasks is to understand the opposition - why is that person/ group/ environment- the source of our frustrations? 
Is the frustration caused by the other person / group / enviorment, or is caused by our fear of not being embraced by them?
Are we frustrated because we believe someone else is going to take what we need from us? What is that we relly want from others?
It is like being a child again...and being able to hear his needs.

We might feel hurt, we might feel envy, we might feel that the OTHER is gaining more than us.
We might also judge the injustice, primitivism and hypocrisy and become aggressive too.
Even if you think your understanding is superior to someone else's...please, do STOP.
The October 8th 2014. or The Second Total Lunar Eclipse is an EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE TEST.


The dwarf planet Eris is conjucting the Total Moon Eclipse and Uranus in Aries and opposing the Sun (Hera) Venus (Aphrodite) and The North Node in Libra (Athens).
Eris is trowing her Golden Apple in between us again - causing pesonal wars and discords, hurts of our vanity and values.
In Mythology, she is the godess of discord and strife. 
She stirs up jealousy and envy to cause fighting and anger among men. 
At the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, all the gods were invited with the exception of Eris, and enraged at her exclusion, she spitefully caused a quarrel among the goddesses by tossing the Golden Apple of Discord ( with inscribed "To The Fariest" ) in the midst of the feast of the godssparking a vanity-fueled dispute among Hera, Athena and Aphrodite that led to the Trojan War ( see "The Judgement of Paris" story).
Eris or Discoridia- is the oppostition od Harmonia.
Similar to Aries / Libra nature, and is accentuating the questions of: 
I versus The Other / Group
Loneliness versus Relatonships 
War versus Harmony

Are we really alone in all this CHAOS ?
Or are this Astronomical / Astrological events just trying to evoke the feeling of connection between us?
As you know, opposition is always the same line. 
The Head and the Tail of Ouroboros - are making the Circle. 
This events might be a reminder of our TREADED Minds( Aries) / Emotions (Libra).
It might also be the right time to understand that our frustrations are solvable- if we mind our thoughts, emotions and actions - as emotionally mature and responsible individuals do.
That said, the 2nd test in a Tetrad of this TOTAL ECLIPSEs --- The EMOTIONAL MATURITY test - would be passed.

Also, mind that Mercury just went retrograde in Scorpio on Ocotober 4th - so it's a great time to RE-THINK and RETROSPECT - but don't get hard on yourself...
Bite the bullet.


             September 10th 2014 // Full Moon 27°Psc //  LOOP - END TIME


                                                     Best way to start-a-new
                                                 Is to fail miserably
                                                 Fail at loving
                                                 And fail at giving
                                                 Fail at creating a flow
                                                 Then realign the whole
                                                 And kick into the start hole

                                                      Bjork // Moon



                   Virgo Props Essential // Or // Covering Fragility

                           Astro-fashion statement for Mercurial Maidens starts with :

                       1. Hiding the sex ( Hermaphroditic )  

2. Body in Armour                                                                                                  


                    3. Protecting purity                                                                                                            


                                                                   4. THE Head / decorating the Analytic Mind

    5.  Devotion reminder        


New Moon in Virgo - August 25-26-27/2014 //
Time for New Routine + Procrastination Free

Because of the two sheaves of wheat, one of which is marked by the bright star Spica, Virgo constellation is representing fertility from Babylonian times on. In Greek and Roman culture, Virgo is associated to their goddess of wheat and agriculture - Demeter/ Ceres.

Astrology wise, when the New Moon falls under the constellation of Virgo - 
it can bring a lot of new fruits. The questions are : have we grown enough?
                                                                          is our product ready yet?
                                                                          are we ready?
If not, it is time to patiently plan steps toward prosperity and understand the natural process of each thing first. Step by step.

We also have the New Moon in Virgo conjucting the Sun in Virgo- which doubles the organizing and being disciplined.

We started a seeding process from March 21th this year. The aliment of the Sun and Moon in Aries were impulsive and unpredictable at the start, bringing us a lot of changes.
Somehow, from 21th of March on, we started a new year, where we constantly got to know the Conscious (Sun) and Unconscious (Moon) sides of ourselves. 
The beginning of each Sign (starting from Aries on) - governed by Sun/Moon conjunction- is enhancing the energy of the sign
Like that, it is showing us how to incorporate it in our everyday living- the structure of the sign involved- by working on the things that the sign emanates as something important.

In Virgo, it is about hard work and serving others. Being humble. Have order. Understand nature, animals and plants. Appreciate health and have healthy habits.
By doing that, we can gain the Sun and Moon Gems and Gifts. Gain the Spica fruit.

          Virgo as depicted in Urania's Mirror, a set of constellation cards published in London c.1825.

When Moon is in Virgo - it is usually time of being hard on ourselves. Then our confidence start to suffer. The Mercurial Maiden is thinking of what have she been doing so far and what to do next, and is making us ask ourselves those questions. 
Wherever she resides in our chart- we may be highly critical of our flaws and feel inertia.  
New Moon is time to let go of the self-sabotage way and start to do things the best you can.  
Relax and then - DO!

Where is the New Moon in Virgo landing in your Natal Chart?


1st House—  clean out your personal space / closet / start to write a diary /
2nd House— organize your budget / pay bills / make a nice dinner /
3rd House— clean out your car / call your closest friends and do something nice for them/
                   make a "to do list"/ learn something new /
4th House— fix the house stuff that was waiting to be done for decades / call you parents
                   be caring/
5th House— do something creative and fun / be there for your kids / 
6th House— plan your work /check your health/ pet your pet/ detox
7th House— tell how much you care / love / open up
8th House— check you bank statements / think about life's purpose /
                   be aware / be here and now
9th House—  organize a trip / read / travel mentally / visualize / study wider and                                                                         broaden your horizons
10th House—think about self-promotion / update your business website / 
                    set a goal / work
11th House—think about nature /ecology / donate things you don't need anymore
12th House— start meditating / follow your thoughts and calm them down/ 
                    understand your soul needs / write down your ideas and dreams

If you struggle with finding the position of Virgo New Moon in your chart, feel free to contact me on :  maja.zard@gmail.com

Enjoy your work, 



PEREIDS// Those born of Perseus and Andromeda //



PERSEIDS// Those born of Perseus and Andromeda // 

Peak of Meteor Shower - AUGUST 12/13 -2014 





               From Masterpieces of Industrial Art & Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862,
                                            Day & Son, London, Lithographers to the Queen

The Perseid meteor shower, one of the brighter meteor showers of the year, occur every August, peaking around August 9-13. Consisting of tiny space debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle, the Perseids are named after the constellation, Perseus. This is because, their radiant or the direction of which the shower seems to come from,
lies in the same direction as Perseus. The constellation lies in the north-eastern part of the sky, so the meteor shower is mostly visible in the northern hemisphere.

As with many meteor showers, the visible rate is greatest in the pre-dawn hours, since the side of the Earth nearest to turning into the sun scoops up more meteors as the Earth moves through space. Most Perseids disappear while at heights above 80 kilometres (50 mi).

On August 10th 2014. - we can also see the Full Moon reaching the point in its orbit that is closest to the Earth, known as perigee. The supermoon will be up to 14% bigger and 30% brighter than other full moons during the year.
The Lunar light my take off some backdrop required to see faint meteors, but it will still be an divine celestial show to see. Enjoy!



Neptune 6°Pis * Pluto 11°Cap * Mars 6°Sco // HOLY WATER

      Gerhard Richter // Sea - abstract painting  //// Neptune in Pisces  
      Gian Lorenzo Benini // The rape of Persephone - detail from the sculpture ////  
                                        Pluto in Capricorn
      Shark skin // macro photography -detail //// Mars in Scorpio


Neptune sextile Pluto sexile Mars // Mars Trine Neptune -

I have chosen to depict Neptune in Pisces with the abstract painting of Gerhard Richter - "Sea".
Neptune in Pisces is "at home" after 160 years of travelling trough other signs which were not his own. Influenced by other signs, different knowledge and landscapes, Neptune is finally at home to rest and digest the gained experiences, in order to better understand himself.
The sea - the unconscious, the depth, the immense fluidity, the womb, empathy and grace, the need for love, for poetry and subtle mannerism, the illusion and unstabillity of our life, the faith - is bringing in front of all of us, the final introspection reflected in the water / mirroring back our souls.

Pluto in Capricorn is a goat, an Underworld Devil- abducting and pushing us to experience fear, trauma. The death of our old selfs and the transmutation- into a person aware of the fragility of life.
Becoming the servant of the depths, of the earth, the soil - is the only way of preserving our life and sanity, helping and nurishing ourselfs and others in this sprouting fragility.
Bernini's Persephone is like that rapresenting - immortality and the eternal growth gained after sacrificing our freedom and comodity.

The German word- Schorck-, a variant of Schurke "villain, scoundrel",  was later applied to the fish due to its predatory behaviour. The texture of shark skin depicts the cold porosity.
Like other fish, sharks extract oxygen from seawater as it passes over their gills.
Unlike other fish, shark gill slits are not covered, but lie in a row behind the head. A modified slit called a spiracle lies just behind the eye, which assists the shark with taking in water during respiration and plays a major role in bottom–dwelling sharks.
While the shark is moving, water passes through the mouth and over the gills in a process known as "ram ventilation". While at rest, most sharks pump water over their gills to ensure a constant supply of oxygenated water.
The respiration and circulation process begins when deoxygenated blood travels to the shark's two-chambered heart.
Mars in Scorpio - (where Mars is at home/ but in a water element), is the symbol of willpower, fierceness and the killer instinct coming from within, from observing and making strategies and then taking action.
Even if the animal is vile and cold, the Shark skin is still porosive and is showing us the capacity to absorb the sea/ unconscious, and like that, communicate with the neptunian ideals. Our ideals and the God who is directing us.

The religious war in Gaza is one unfortunate example of acting - but on a personal level - Mars in Scorpio Trine Neptune in Pisces- can annulate the negative aspects of each planet  and reinforce us to act on more empathic level - with a vituous heart.
In order to do that, we will first have to purify our water / subconscious - from toxicity of our everyday thoughts and feelings.





Mars retrograde in Libra // The Angry Diplomat / or /

March 1th - May 19th, 2014

The keywords for the period of Mars retrograde are: Frustration / Fixations / Actions / Genetics.

During this period we could feel the need to release and acknowledge of having frustrations.
Mars is emanating a masculine energy onto us, waking up our warrior side to fight in order to release accumulated frustrations. We might explode or debate, only to realize, that we are -on the stage- in order to finally verbalize out our problems. 
Mars retrograde is in the sign of Libra / so it is and Angry Diplomat Mars
Libra is a mental sign, so is prone to projections. Libra doesn't like to engage in open physical fight- or fights at all, but with Mars retrograde in this sign, it will be frustrating to reach the right balance. Does anybody care for beauty, harmony and balance at the moment at all? What about justice?
We might push our righteousness until we realize we are in a heavy fight.  

During this period, the monsters hidden underneath the carpet might re-emerge and provoke us, and by doing that, some inner gut feeling will push us to finally deal with them. It is because we want to know the truth. We want to know where we stand and belong.
Men are looking for their herd/pack now and for their definition. I believe this Mars retrograde is much harder for men, because is questioning their masculinity. 
Through passive aggressiveness we are facing our fears. It is now time to kill the dragon - the demon of fear we all hide inside of us. Therefore, we could experience the rush of hunter's adrenaline.
  Masculine  / Vs / Feminine - Men are angry on their women, and vice versa. 
( Libra is trying to find the right balance in polarities).
Gender differences issues. The Kundalini snakes are trying to dialogue together.
Thinking of genetics, DNA and the patterns of our ancestors that had been carried on generations. It's time to break the unconscious patterns ( inherited from our ancestors) 
that are bringing us no good.

What has been inseminated?
What is the genetic code we are trying to modify?
What kind of genetics are we willing to merge with ours? 
Where do we want our energy to be focused on?
Are we forcing things?
Do we really know the right direction for us?
There is always a lot of talking, but are there any actions?
If not - move on.

This deep genetic masculine frustration could be transformed by the heartbeat singing and dancing.

Dr.'s Remedy:
( Krump, Haka dance)
Music for Mars Retrograde in Libra: Tribal, Reggae, Hip Hop, Metal, Dance.
All music that brings out our tribal impulses out ( Kodo - Japanese drums ).
Also, Fela Kuti (Libra) has a absolute primordial tribal beat for channelling the Mars energy.

This might be a great moment to finally realize- that actions and reactions- are here to guide us toward the revelation of our inner truth. 
It is now possible to re-code our DNA program and develop a new sensitivity by following our inner bliss. 
So, stand up for your rights and choose life!