
Mercury Retrograde / RETRO ReTHINKING


February 6–28 
June 7–July 2
October 4–25

As a Psychopomp (from the Greek word ψυχοπομπός - psuchopompos, meaning the "guide of souls"), Mercury is threading us between the opposite aspects of our nature //internal darkness and light/ life and death //
and is the mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms
During Mercury retrograde periods, things that where unreachable to our conscious part, are now passing through the invisible gates, toward the unconscious side of us. They can now start to communicate between them. 
It is the time of fortifying inner truth. Objective and subjective sides are dialoguing. Intellect and logic are merging with the soul. Dante and Virgil are meeting again. 
To sense this merging, and hear our inner dialogue, we will have to quiet ourselves down first, through meditation, dreams, work, or it can be activated by a synchronicity.

With Mercury, the accent is always on the information. Digesting the information that we have been collecting, but didn’t have the time to re-evaluate
It is time to re-think the past / actions and conclude the maturing process.
To understand what we’ve been going through, we need time. Peeling- off the skin from old beliefs, judgements and fixations is a painful process. As a result, a part of us dies, and the other part, is born again.
Once Mercury starts to be direct again, we are re-emerging from the underworld and re-stating to collect / spread- new information, based upon our up-graded new self. 

Technology is freezing. Those subtle frequencies that we are working on these days, are powerful enough to interfere with electronic fields.


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